Windsor Tutorial : GCSE and A-level Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Maths
One-to-One Residential and Non-Residential 5-Day Alevel and GCSE Summer Courses
We've spent many years changing lives. This last year was no exception. We had student who were told to give up subjects and they ended up the top performers of their year groups. So often, students have such potential but there is something holding them back.

Some have special educational needs, some do not thrive in classroom settings, some have missed school due to illness or mental health, some are reaching for lofty goals but are performing as average students. We've seen it all.

But we've also done it all. We've succeeded in changing lives. Doctors, dentists, vets engineers and computer scientists who at some stage in their education have been told they were not capable of reaching their goals. We told them they could, and they did.

As a parent or student, you just need someone to show you how to achieve what you know you are capable of, what you know you deserve just as much as anyone else. Here is where you find the experience, specialist knowledge, teaching expertise and patience to get you where you need to go. You should definitely call.
Telephone: 01784 483566
Email: Send email
Organisation: Windsor Tutorial
Ages: Teenagers (13-17), Adults (18+)
Location: Greater London, London (Map)
Accommodation: yes and/or non-residential
Categories: Academic > Science
Exam Revision
Exam Revision > A level Preparation
Keywords: biology   cambridge   catch up   chemistry   dentistry   gcse   groups   intensive   mathematics   maths   medicine   on-line   one-to-one   online   oxford   personal   personal   physics   revision   small groups   tutor   vet   veterinary   a-level
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